PARA PAR@` TEXT` Solomon, Hannah Greenebaum 18581942 clubwoman and welfare worker Born in Chicago on January 14, 1858, Hannah Greenebaum was of a well-to-do family deeply involved in local Jewish affairs. She attended public schools and for a time studied piano seriously. In 1877 she and a sister became the first Jewish members of the recently formed Chicago Womans Club. In May 1879 she married Henry Solomon, a businessman. Family cares kept her from involvement in public affairs for several years, but in 1890 she was named to a committee of women charged with organizing a Worlds Parliament of Religions to be held in conjunction with the Worlds Columbian Exposition. As an adjunct to the parliament she planned a Jewish Womens Congress, which on assembling in 1893 became the first such general convention of American Jewish women ever to be held. The congress established the permanent National Council of Jewish Women, of which Solomon was elected first president, a post she held until 1905. (She served thereafter as honorary president for life.) In 1896 she helped organize the Illinois Federation of Womens Clubs. In the same year she conducted a statistical survey of the schools and other public agencies available in the rapidly growing Jewish immigrant district of Chicago, and the next year she founded the Bureau of Personal Service to provide guidance to new immigrants. She headed the Bureau until it was absorbed by the Associated Jewish Charities of Chicago in 1910. In 1899 she was elected treasurer of the National Council of Women, and with Susan B. Anthony and May Wright Sewall she represented the council at the International Council of Women meeting in Berlin in 1904. She worked closely with Jane Addams and other Chicago welfare workers on matters relating to child welfare. In 1905 she became interested in the Illinois Industrial School for Girls. Under her leadership the school was rehabilitated and in 1907 moved from Evanston to Park Ridge. She served on the schools board for many years and in 19061909 was president. In 1910 she helped found the Womens City Club of Chicago, for which she headed a committee of inspection of the city waste disposal system. During World War I she directed the Chicago work of the Illinois Council of Defense. She largely retired from public service in the early 1920s. A collection of her articles and speeches was published as A Sheaf of Leaves in 1911, and in 1946 Fabric of My Life, her autobiography, appeared posthumously. She died in Chicago on December 7, 1942. vstyl`!55%5C!I 5!I!!I1!I6!IG!I!I!I 5!I p!I !I !I !I>link`HYPR!1HYPR6GHYPR